Why Range Anxiety Is A Myth
In recent years, electric vehicles have become synonymous with the term “range anxiety” – used to express a fear of not being able to reach your destination before running out of power
Why EV Battery Recycling Is Set To Take Off
Find out why nervousness about the EV battery life cycle is overlooking other opportunities, how new efficiencies are being found, and which emerging technologies may influence its future.
Why Drive-Thrus Put Irish Health At Risk
Find out why we’re calling for the government to block the re-opening of drive-thru restaurants in Ireland, and how this could save by 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 annually - equal to taking 320,000 cars off the road.
How A VRT Break Could Catalyse EV Adoption In Ireland
We highlight the urgent need for the Irish government to cut VRT and VAT prices to stimulate electric car adoption in Ireland, in line with the UK and Germany
Pollution Exposure Rises While Driving With Open Windows
Driving with the windows open increases your exposure to harmful emissions by more than 90% according to new University of Surrey research
SUVs Are Killing The Planet
SUVs are twice as likely to kill a pedestrian in a collision and are the second largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emission over the past decade - producing as much CO2 as entire nations
Hybrids: A Harmful "Green" Myth
A new study has found that emissions from plug-in hybrid vehicles are up to two-and-a-half times greater than official tests suggest
16,000km, 20 Countries, 56 Days– One Electric Car
While some still believe the myth that electric cars are limited by range, we speak to Chris Ramsey of Plug In Adventures, who drove his from London to Siberia
Investigating Ireland’s Electricity Emissions
With carbon dioxide emissions from electricity production currently three times higher than targeted, we investigate how Ireland can meet its essential 2050 carbon neutrality goal
Your Guide To Greenhouse Gases
A quick guide to the most potent and common greenhouse gases, the harmful effects they are having here in Ireland, and how to avoid misinformation about them
The True Cost of Fuel Duty
The UK's reported £40bn deficit in fuel loss due to the switch to EVs overlooks the impact on public health and the climate crisis.
The Problem With PR
We look at the ethics of naming and shaming PR agencies who reinforce greenwashing in Ireland and abroad and profit from sewing misinformation in the face of the Climate Crisis
Why Ireland Must Block CETA
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) threatens Ireland's action on the Climate Crisis, while also exposing the nation corporate lawsuits
How To Manage Climate Anxiety
Climate anxiety is a growing mental health issue worldwide in the face of the Climate Crisis - and the lack of corporate and governmental action. We present helpful coping methods to help you take action
How Mobile Sales Show EVs Path For Growth
We look at the all-too-common myth that EVs will never catch on, and look at how mobile phone sales provide a helpful analogy on how disruptive technologies can quickly gain a foothold worldwide.
How Electric Car Conversion Works
Discover how you can convert converting your existing petrol, diesel or hybrid car to run as a fully electric vehicle – and why it’s cheaper and more sustainable than buying new
Beware of False Prophets & Maintaining Profits
Discover how greenwashing is being used to give false hope and diminish brands' ecological responsibilities in the eyes of consumers - as exemplified by Jaguar’s latest announcement
Electric Not Electrified
Find out why we're calling on the Irish press to stop grouping hybrids with battery electric vehicles in the face of the Climate Crisis, and what this means for fighting greenwashing
The Mythology Of The Petrol Car
Discover why we must look back to 1957 and the work of Roland Barthes for a better understanding of where we are today, how cars and marketing are halting climate action
Prime Day: The Environmental Cost
We investigate the ecological and climate consequences of this excessive sales event, and show why this is the year you should consider boycotting Prime Day
Ecocide: Making Environmental Destruction A Crime
New legal definitions could have major implications for holding corporations and governments criminally accountable for offences against the environment
Why Car Companies Should Fund EV Charging Infrastructure
We highlight why it is time for automotive manufacturers to foot the bill for public EV charging infrastructure to lessen the burden on tax payers
Lithium: Useful, Ubiquitous, Unethical
We look at the consequences of the world’s growing hunger for lithium. Including the ethics of mining it, the urgent need to recycle it in vast quantities, why EVs aren’t entirely to blame
There’s No Such Thing As ‘Clean’ Gas
The gas industry in Ireland is engaging in flagrant greenwashing to promote so-called ‘renewable’ gas as a 'clean' solution - when, in reality, it is worsening the Climate Crisis
AXA Joins Greenwashing Ranks
Carbon offsetting achieves nothing without actually reducing emissions, which is why it is disappointing to see AXA Insurance's new greenwashing campaign
The Plastic Problem & The Climate Crisis
We look at the issue of plastic pollution, and why this matters if we are to avert the worst possible outcomes of the Climate Crisis before it’s too late
The Irish Times’ Commitment To Climate Denial
We expose and explain the Irish Times' consistent platforming of misinformation, disinformation and climate denial
Why Shell Can Go Fuck Itself
While Shell's CEO continues his greenwashing campaign, we detail the climate, ecological and human health crimes of the oil giant and why you should boycott it
Petro-Masculinity: Gender & the Climate Crisis
Find out more about the role of Petro-masculinity in making women the world over considerably more vulnerable in the face of the Climate Crisis than they already are
Is The Carbon Bubble About To Burst?
The carbon bubble will surely burst, its only a matter of when, after decades of artificial inflation of the value of oil and the denial of its impact on public health and the Climate Crisis. But what are the consequences?
2030 ICE Ban: Lack of Legislative Bite
While much has been made of the proposed 2030 ban on the sale of new internal combustion engines in Ireland, in reality this does not currently exist
The Other EV: Eat Vegan
Global meat consumption has trebled since the 1960s and is inherently linked to worsening the Climate Crisis. Going vegan is an important form of climate action and climate justice
Why Fuel Price Rises Mask Deeper Issue
Ireland subsidises fossil fuels to the tune of €2.4bn a year - but rises in petrol and diesel prices mask the true cost of these fuels - especially their impact on human and planetary health
Death of the Author: Greenwashing
Roland Barthes' essay The Death of the Author helps us better understand how brands are avoiding scrutiny and accountability for their greenwashing - and how we can reverse this trend
Defence and the Climate Crisis
With plans to increase spending on the Defence sector by as much as 300%, we investigate the Climate Crisis implications of funding the military - and how this undermines the Irish Climate Action Plan
IrishEVs: Two Years On
On the second anniversary of the launch of IrishEVs we look back at how things have changed since the launch of the site, what we have achieved in that time, and how we plan to adapt going forward
How Flying Worsens The Climate Crisis
We look at the role of flying in worsening the Climate Crisis, how private jet use is compounding the issue, and the lack of accountability from the Irish press in reporting on this issue
Time to stop COP?
Ongoing corruption, lobbying & commerical agreements with major polluters show UN COP events are no longer the best way to address the Climate Crisis, so where do we go from here?
Carbon Offsetting & Capture: The Frontline of Greenwashing
Corporations and governments are continuing to mislead the public about the viability of carbon offsetting and carbon capture at a time when we must reduce emissions
The Field
Alongside our wider coverage of the Climate Crisis, find out how we're trying to make a difference - on a small, local scale - in the face of the Climate Crisis and the Biodiversity Crisis, and to ease the impact of climate anxiety
RTÉ Refuses To Address Climate Coverage Failings
RTÉ refuses to be transparent or accountable for its continued failings in reporting the severity, scale and urgency of the Climate Crisis
ASAI Unfit In The Face of Greenwashing
ASAI, the self-regulating, industry-funded advertising standards body isn't fit for purpose in the face of growing greenwashing. And its inaction on the issue shows the urgent need for its replacement
Why Does The Irish Press Still Platform Climate Denial?
Even as the Climate Crisis intensifies, the Irish press still insists that offering climate deniers a platform is 'balance'. Why is this acceptable?
RTÉ’s Vested Financial Interests Compound Climate Coverage Failures
‘RTEgate’ provides an insight into why RTÉ has become such a bastion of climate misinformation and disinformation - amid ongoing concerns over climate coverage failures
Budget 2024
The Irish Government's Budget 2024 will compound energy poverty and still fails to undo the vast harm being done through fossil fuel subsidies at a time when we need an urgent just transition
The Real Reason EV Adoption Is Slowing
We show how Government grant cuts and media misinformation are hurting our chances to cut greenhouse gas emissions
Why EVs Are Cheaper To Run
Switching to an EV could cut your annual running costs by around 78%. Did you know that EVs are around 42% more efficient than ICEs, making your money go further - while also cutting your carbon footprint
How Has Battery Technology Advanced?
Find out how battery technology has advanced - from the launch of the first lithium-ion battery in 1991 to the latest innovations in the field today. And how EV batteries might evolve in the near future
UFODRIVE - Sustainable, Easy Car Rental
Find out more about UFODRIVE, a car rental company with a difference. They are the first car rental company in Ireland to only offer electric vehicles to their customers - and are challenging the industry to cut its carbon footprint
Unveiling The Hybrid And “Self-Charging” Myth
Discover why hybrid cars are considerably more harmful to the environment and cost more than EVs, and why you shouldn't believe the greenwashing myth of "self-charging" vehicles
Collectivism And The Electric Car
Find out why electric cars represent a collectivist approach to driving and sustainability, and how we might use the learnings of Covid-19 to adapt to a more sustainable lifestyle in the face of the climate crisis
Media Accountability: Cars & Climate Change
It’s time for the media to step up and start reporting on the dire health & environmental impact of cars as a leading contributor to climate change. Overlooking these consequences perpetuates climate denial
Applegreen-Washing: Separating Action From Marketing Ploys
We investigate Applegreen's carbon offsetting claims to show why their PowerPlus campaign is pure greenwashing
11 Key Questions Before You Buy Your Next Car
We present eleven key questions to ask yourself before you buy your next car. Read our guide to make sure you are getting the best possible deal for you, your wallet and the planet
15-Minute Cities
Discover how the 15-minute city concept pioneered in Paris could help Ireland reduce its carbon footprint and decrease dependence on cars, while also reducing rents and improving quality of life
Reaction To The Irish Budget 2021
We break down the most salient points from Budget 2021 - from VRT changes, to rising fuel costs, and how this will impact EV adoption in Ireland
Climate Crisis – Not Climate Change
Find our why we're in the midst of a Climate Crisis, rather than living alongside Climate Change - and why this matters for encouraging climate action
Understanding “Astongate”
We investigate the "Astongate" scandal, which focuses on a report that sews disinformation about electric vehicles, and the potential conflicts of interest behind the companies involved
Ethical Car Design: Leather
Why drive an EV to lower your carbon footprint, when it is lined with dead animals which are responsible for vast amounts of greenhouse gases?
Ireland Approves Sale Of Renewable Energy To Grid
Announcement presents an opportunity for those with solar panels and other forms of renewable energy production to profit from their investment
Unseen Car Emissions
We look at the other emissions that cars produce, the lack of legislation surrounding them, how electric cars might present some solutions, and why manufacturers must step up to meet these issues.
Incentivising EV Conversion
Discover how the Irish government could incentivise the conversion of electric cars as part of its ambitions to reduce emissions in face of the Climate Crisis, whilst also cutting waste and saving money
Ethical Car Design: Gender Equality
We look at the issue of gender inequality in car design - including why women are more likely to be harmed in collisions - and why we must strive for better safety standards that protect all genders
Cement and the Climate Crisis
The cement industry accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions - yet the Irish EPA has just approved Irish Cement’s bid to burn toxic materials at its plant in Limerick, threatening human health & worsening the Climate Crisis
We Need To Talk About Toyota
From their promotion of hybrids and hydrogen, to passing off opinion as fact, and ignoring electric cars, we assess Toyota's response to the Climate Crisis
EVs For Your Garden
We investigate the emissions created by garden tools to show why switching from fossil fuel-powered devices to electric ones can cut your carbon footprint
Autocar: A Case Study In Car Culture & Lack Of Media Accountability
From promoting diesel vehicles, to lacking context on the climate and human health impact of cars, we assess Autocar’s accountability record
Biofuel: A Greenwashing Battleground
Biofuels have consistently been marketed as a 'green' alternative to fossil fuels, which hides their sky high emissions, human rights abuses & vast ecological impact, particularly from land clearance
IPCC Report: Window To Act On Climate Crisis Closing Fast
Find out why we're in the midst of a Climate Crisis, rather than living alongside Climate Change - and why this matters for encouraging climate action
Lobbying Boss Exposes Blue Hydrogen Greenwashing Reality
Recent events have reiterated the hydrogen is not the sustainable solution that many have claimed it to be, exposing the greenwashing around this fuel source
Why Your Carbon Footprint Matters
While the concept of a personal carbon footprint is the creation of Big Oil, we highlight why it still matters in the face of the Climate Crisis
Capitalism vs Climate Crisis
The perpetual pursuit of consumption, growth and profits is a core tenet of capitalism - and one that is entirely at odds with solving the Climate Crisis
Crypto & NFTs: Greed & The Climate Crisis
We highlight why crypto and NFTs represent a major climate harm, and why they are a new form of climate imperialism
Climate Action Plan 2021: Failing Our Future
This article highlights the alarming lack of clarity and commitment contained within this plan, and the troubling issues in the section focused on electrifying transport
Safety & Security At EV Charging Points
We highlight the disproportionate personal safety concerns that female EV drivers have experienced at public charging points, and how they can be addressed
How Green is Your Renewable Energy Tariff?
As well-intentioned consumers increasingly switch to 100% renewable tariffs, these energy deals may not be as transparent or green as suppliers suggest – and can be rife with greenwashing
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Car manufacturers talk a good game on sustainability, but their design choices are centered on in-built obsolesce and increased energy consumption
No, You Won’t Need To Replace Your EV Battery
A prominent myth which still seems to be putting people off buying an electric car is the fear that they will need to buy a replacement battery for it - we debunk this harmful and unfounded myth
Toyota Ireland & UCD Greenwashing Research
Toyota Ireland paid University College Dublin to undertake a wholly unscientific study in order to substantiate their greenwashing of hybrid vehicles. We investigate and expose the implications
Irish Greenwashing Awards 2022
The Irish Greenwashing Awards 2022 is an event dedicated to acknowledging outstanding misinformation about the Climate Crisis across Ireland. Find out more about the inaugural awards
RTÉ and the Climate Crisis
Eight months on from Jon Williams' public apology for RTÉ News' failure to properly cover the Climate Crisis, we investigate what has changed, and how far the national broadcaster has to go
Air Conditioning and the Climate Crisis
Increasing use of air conditioners - especially in temperate climates such as Ireland - is worsening the Climate Crisis and, in fact, making the world significantly hotter while you stay cool (for now...)
Why The Irish Government Must Subsidise EV Conversions
Top-down subsidies are failing to make EVs affordable in Ireland, but converting cars to run as battery electric ones could cut waste, emissions and offer true affordability
Taking action on flight emissions
From prohibiting domestic flights in order to promote public transport use, to banning private jet use, we explore the practical measures that can be taken to reduce aviation emissions
AXA Ireland Epitomises Greenwashing
AXA's 'Carbon Neutral Car Insurance' is a perfect example of modern greenwashing campaigns that profit from delaying meaningful action - and do more harm than good
Can you trust car reviews?
There is a lack of transparency about the influence of manufacturers and their PR agencies in the outcome of car reviews - we ask if you can truly trust them for truly impartial advice
Irish EV Grants Fail All But The Rich
Current EV incentives in Ireland favour the rich, have no impact on creating an affordable second hand electric car market, and threaten to increase energy poverty through an unjust climate transition
Ireland Urgently Needs Anti-Greenwashing Legislation
It is imperative that the Irish Government follows the examples of France & the Netherlands to introduce legislation to protect Irish people from greenwashing
The Climate Consequences of ChatGPT
AI chatbots and image creation tools have vast implications for the Climate Crisis, with enormous new emissions, energy consumption and an extreme thirst for water
Conor Pass: The Case For A New National Park
The creation of a new national park focused on rewilding presents not only the opportunity to address the dual Biodiversity and Climate Crises, but also show if the Irish Government listens to its people
Plastic Bottle Recycling Scheme Another Climate Cop Out
Ireland incinerates 71% of its plastic waste and is still 'overtly reliant' on exporting recycling, so how is the Deposit Return Scheme going to help?
How EVs Can Support Energy Independence
Installing solar panels at home not only helps you to cut your carbon footprint, but also allows you to cut costs and become energy independent. And houses of any size or age can be retrofitted for renewable energy
How EVs Can Save Lives
Find out how EVs can reduce emissions to lower air pollution in Ireland to improve public health. And how the switch to electric cars can save over 500,000 lives across the EU each year
Averting A Clean Energy Poverty Tax
We highlight the urgent need for government financial support to avoid an increase in energy poverty, resulting in electric cars and renewable energy being the reserve of those who can afford to adapt
Countering The Untruths Of ICCRA
We address the myths and untruths promoted by the Irish Car Carbon Reduction Alliance (ICCRA) – a misnomer that represents an organisation intent on increasing emissions, rather than reducing them.
How Updates Increase EV Range And More
Discover how over-the-air EV software updates can improve everything from the infotainment systems, to increasing the performance, range and efficiency of the vehicle
Speed Limits: Improving Public & Environmental Health
Find out how a 30kph speed limit in urban areas could save lives through improved road safety, reduce heart disease, and tackle climate change
What About Hydrogen?
We investigate whether hydrogen is a viable, sustainable fuel for the future - or a costly distraction that we can ill afford amidst the climate crisis
7 Years to Act: The Climate Crisis Timeline
We have less than eight years to avert the Climate Crisis, save millions of lives and save billions from displacement. We highlight what will happen if we don't - and show how you can lower your carbon footprint
How Ride-Hailing Apps Are Contributing To Climate Change
Did you know that use of ride-hailing apps, like Uber and Lyft, results in around 69% higher emissions on average than the trips that they replace
Giving Woodland Space To Breath
Discover Ray O’Foghlu's ingenious idea to connect woodland and encourage natural regeneration of forests to help Ireland fight climate change
The Rise of Greenwashing
We investigate the rising culture of greenwashing amongst Irish brands who are using PR to appear "green" in order to increase their profits
Exposing eFuels
The latest in a long line of greenwashing, we uncover the deception behind eFuels being marketed as "carbon neutral" and show just how harmful they can be for both human and planetary health
How To Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
Find out how to measure your carbon footprint so that you can better understand your impact on the climate crisis, and take steps to reduce emissions
How Car Makers Are Skirting Emissions Regulations
Discover how car manufacturers are pooling their emissions in order to avoid fines and the implications of this for electric cars and the Climate Crisis
What GM’s Pledge Means for EVs
Discover what General Motor's electric car pledge means for the future of EVs, and for the Climate Crisis - and how GM could have kick-started the EV revolution in the 1990s, before working to set back the industry
How Many EV Chargers Does Ireland Need?
We assess how many EV chargers Ireland actually needs, and why we should focus our investment on future-proofing the charging infrastructure, rather than just focusing on increasing the volume of those available
Climate Crisis Documentaries to Reassure & Inspire You
We present a spoiler-free list of our favourite documentaries that pave the way towards a better, more sustainable world.
Ford’s Electric Pickup Highlights An Unjust Climate Transition
By committing to the continuation of heavy SUVs, Ford is committing to an unjust climate transition that will worsen CO2 emissions and increase energy demand
The People vs Shell: People & Planet Win
Landmark ruling puts major polluters on notice as Dutch court forces Shell to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% by the end of 2030 in the face of the Climate Crisis
Terra Nil: A Game For Easing Climate Anxiety
In Terra Nil your goal is to rejuvenate a wasteland by returning greenery and nature to the arid lands that you first encounter.
Don’t Fall for ’10-Minute Charge’ EV Battery Myths
We examine claims that ultra-fast charging batteries are just on the horizon, and show why you shouldn’t fall for these stories… at least, not yet
Ethical Car Design: Aerodynamics
We look at the importance of aerodynamics in ethical car design, detailing why this is important for making battery electric cars more efficient and how more aerodynamic cars could save you money
Stark Irish Political Response To IPCC Report Puts Climate Justice Into Harsh Perspective
Ireland must learn from the wrongs of Direct Provision when implementing a just transition to cater for those displaced by the Climate Crisis
EV Charging Accessibility: How Ireland Is Failing Disabled Drivers
It is clear that users with disabilities have been little more than an afterthought when it comes to EV charging accessibility - something that must change
Cost vs Value
We look at the importance of understanding the difference between cost and value, and why this is a critical distinction in the face of the Climate Crisis
Why Ireland Must Ban Hybrids & SUVs
If Ireland is to tackle the emissions from its road transport sector, it must get serious about banning hybrids and SUVs - while incentivising second-hand EVs
Don’t Put Your Faith In Carbon Capture
Carbon capture promises a solution in the face of the Climate Crisis, but in reality is falls far short of the mark, and is even used to justify new fossil fuel projects
Stop Engaging In Climate Imperialism
We explore what climate imperialism is, why it matters in the face of the Climate Crisis, and why you shouldn’t participate in it
Syndicated Media & Climate Misinformation
Syndicated articles expose a golden opportunity for the media to replicate greenwashing and misinformation, as recent examples in the Irish press demonstrate
Stop Burning Stuff
With an estimated 1,300 premature deaths in Ireland occurring every year due to the air pollution from burning solid fuels- which also worsen the Climate Crisis - its time to stop lighting our fires
The Climate Crisis Allegory of The Matrix
"Humans are the virus” is a refrain which can only be uttered by those with a position of privilege, and is no solution to the Climate Crisis
EV Charging: Women’s Safety Must Be A Priority
The issue of women’s safety is an important societal matter which requires systemic changes, but responses from public EV charging operators show they aren’t taking it seriously enough
Reforestation & Veganism Are Anticolonial Acts
Centuries of colonialism have left Ireland deforested and facing both a climate and biodiversity crisis. Switching to a plant-based, vegan diet can help Ireland turn the tide to cut emissions and rewild the land
What Difference Can One EV Make?
Switching to an electric car has cut our carbon footrpint by around 70% and helped us save over €2,500 in just 15 months. Find out why EVs are an essential tool in the fight against the Climate Crisis
Cowardice, Compassion & Climate Politics
We look at the consistent cowardice of Irish politicians in addressing the Climate Crisi, and the need for greater compassion at home & around the world as the Climate Emergency intensifies
Right of Reply - Have Your Say
As greenwashing becomes increasingly rampant, should we continue to give brands - and their PR agencies - the right of reply before we publish our articles. We ask you, our readers, to decide
Why are TDs pushing fossil fuels?
Publicly elected officials, such as Patrick O'Donovan continue to promote the use of fossil fuels. We explore the implications that their misinformation has on delaying climate action, education and empowering trolls
F1’s greenwashing shows how sport is shirking climate responsibilities
F1 is eager to greenwash and shirk its responsibilities in the face of the Climate Crisis - lying to its fans while profiting from increasing greenhouse gas emissions
Twitter Ad Rules Threaten More Greenwashing & Misinformation
Amidst Twitter’s desperate money-grabbing, rife greenwashing & renewed climate denial, the free-for-all on advertising presents a real threat to climate education
Irish Government Greenwashes Consistent Emissions Cut Failings
The Government’s purchase of carbon credits covers up their consistent failure to act in the face of the Climate Crisis, promoting climate imperalism
Climate Crisis: The Case For Interest-Free Government Loans
Interest-free Government loans have the potential to shift the burden for change away from the individual and support emissions targets, while cutting energy poverty
Irish Greenwashing Awards 2023
The second annual Irish Greenwashing Awards highlight the prevalence of greenwashing, award the worst offenders, and call for urgent anti-greenwashing legislation to protect the people of Ireland
The Importance of Climate Suffrage
Climate Suffrage is a push-back against political disenfranchisement & inaction in the face of the Climate Emergency. And has the hallmarks of the suffrage movements that precede it
IFA Promoting Harmful Culture War Against Climate Action
The Irish Farmers’ Association's culture war against climate action puts farmers at greater risk while jeopardising all our futures - all just to maintain profits
The Apathy Crisis
While greenwashing and climate denial remain major threats to necessary climate action, apathy towards the Climate Emergency might be the biggest issue we need to overcome