Why Shell Can Go Fuck Itself
You may notice that this headline is the very first in the history of the IrishEVs website that an expletive has been used – we try very hard to avoid any language that might cause offence, or exclude younger readers from engaging with our articles.
However, on this occasion we feel that this is a valid decision, and an important one.
Moreover, it is an entirely justified and human reaction to one of the single most evil corporations to have existed in the history of humanity.
Trust us, read on…
Why The Reaction?
You may be wondering what, specifically, incited us to break our no-swearing rule.
The answer: an interview with Shell CEO Ben van Beurden on the BBC with the headline “Oil giant Shell says it needs oil output to fund green shift”.
You may still wonder why this provoked such a strong reaction – after all, we know that a lot of people are new to the climate action movement and have been inspired by COP26 to try and live more sustainably, while calling for greater action from governments and corporations.
Well, dear reader, let us elaborate….
Why Shell Can Go Fuck Itself
While van Beurden will tell you that Shell needs to extract, refine and sell fossil fuel products in order to become a more ethical company, he is somewhat overlooking that the company he works for has made a total of $524bn in profits since 1990.
Not turnover. Not income. Profit.
His company, Shell, has made profits to the tune of half-a-trillion-dollars, while also knowingly pushing the planet to the very brink of a climate collapse, where we are now facing the destruction and loss of the very life support systems that keep all creatures on this planet alive.
Graph showing the income of the world’s four biggest oil and gas companies generated between 1990-2019. Credit: The Guardian & Taxpayers for Common Sense
How do we know that they knew what they were doing?
On top of the work undertaken in the 1960s to demonstrate the connection between fossil fuel emissions and anthropogenic climate change, Shell and other major oil companies also carried out their own internal assessments on carbon dioxide emissions in the 1980s.
In fact, a 1988 internal report from Shell established a clear connection between their products, the climate crisis and ecological calamity.
So, for at least 30 years, Shell has knowingly profited from worsening the Climate Crisis, vast ecological destruction and worsening air quality to the point where 5 million annual deaths are now attributable to the Climate Crisis worldwide.
Shell has consistently been one of the biggest man-made CO2 emitters in the entirety of human history, and has known the role it plays in worsening the Climate Crisis for decades. Credit: The Guardian
In that time, they have accumulated a wealth so vast that it would take the average Irish person 9,135,126 years to accumulate based on the average salary in 2020.
However, with Ireland being a relatively wealthy nation, it is also important to understand this is a more global context.
Since 1990, Shell has generated profits from deliberately worsening the Climate Crisis to the extent that it would take the average inhabitant of Earth 29,,111,111 years to earn.
You may be wondering at this point just how much a single corporation could really make an impact on worsening the Climate Crisis.
It is, after all, a valid question.
The answer is that Shell is one of 20 companies behind a third of all carbon emissions in the modern era.
Since 1965, Royal Dutch Shell has been responsible for producing in excess of 31.95 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent – the seventh largest generator of CO2 in the entirety of human history – and it has done so knowing full well the impact that it is having on the Climate Crisis, human health and global ecological destruction.
“It would take 7.2 billion years for the average inhabitant of Earth in 2021 to accumulate the same carbon footprint as Shell”
We’re conscious that numbers as large as these can feel rather abstract out of context.
So to illustrate just how much damage Shell has knowingly caused, it would take 2,402,255,639 years to accumulate the same amount of CO2 emissions for the average Irish person.
Again, however, Ireland is a wealth nation which has considerably higher consumption and emission rates than the majority of the planet. In fact, the average Irish person has a carbon footprint that is 55% higher than the average person in the EU, and nearly three times higher than the average person on Earth.
When we take this into account, we find that Shell has financially profited from a carbon footprint that would take the average inhabitant of this planet in excess of 7.2 billion years to accumulate.
It Will Be Funded By Oil And Gas
Hopefully you’re beginning to see why we’re gripped by such ire, and perhaps you may even be willing to overlook our swearing faux pas at this point.
However, context is incredibly important. So let’s look at what van Beurden specifically said in the BBC interview:
“At this point in time [the cash] comes from our legacy business. If we have to build a hydrogen plant from a wind farm that we build in the North Sea for a billion dollars that is not going to be funded by a hydrogen business – it will be funded by the oil and gas business.”
Mr van Beurden – who is paid €20.1m by Shell – then goes on to try and justify the development of new oil fields and engages in a vast amount of both gaslighting and greenwashing that we have no desire to replicate here, on the basis that there is no scientific truth to it – only a greed for more money.
You can read the full article here if you can stomach it.
The BBC headline in question, including van Burden engaging in the kind of nonchalant shrug that only a rich white man paid millions by Big Oil can pull off while promoting, essentially, genocide. Credit: BBC
So let us return to the quote above and analyse what Shell is saying.
The corporation which has earned $524bn in profit since 1990, and which is responsible for the seventh largest CO2 emissions in the entirety of human history is, in effect, quibbling over the cost of “a billion dollars”.
This is just 1/524,000,000,000th of their profits since 1990.
Van Beurden then goes on to claim that Shell will transition to net zero – not the same as zero emissions – by 2050. This dramatically undermines the latest IPCC report, which clearly and repeatedly states that cutting emissions by 2050 is simply not enough, and will consign millions of people to death, and displace billions more, while also likely leading to the extinction of one-third of all animal and plant life by 2070.
That is what is at stake.
If your blood isn’t boiling at point, we have one final fact for you.
Remember that the poorest 50% of people on Earth - accounting for some 3.5 billion people - account for just 10% of total CO2 emissions. Credit: Oxfam
Fighting Ethical Responsibility
Hope has been hard to come by in recent years, but in May 2021 a landmark ruling in the Netherlands gave climate activists an enormous serving of optimism.
This came when a court in the Hague ruled that Royal Dutch Shell must cut its global emissions by 45% by the end of 2030 compared to 2019 levels.
Note that this is a relatively easy target, as nations are bound to cut emissions to 1990s levels under the Paris Agreement, which are typically vastly lower than emissions from recent years - and therefore require more extreme cuts to all greenhouse gases, not just CO2.
The ruling gave hope that emissions behemoths could be held accountable for their actions, that we might turn the tide on the Climate Crisis, and that the people living in the Global South – which is already being impacted by the Climate Crisis to the greatest extent, and which has the least funds to mitigate the impact of the Climate Emergency – might have a chance of a liveable future.
How did Shell respond?
Yes, you’ve guessed it; they’re appealing the decision.
How Shell’s CEO and its board members are not seen as the worst, most evil examples of humanity – responsible for the deaths of millions of people already, with millions more hanging in the balance, we cannot fathom. People have been locked up for much less.
We can only say that this reinforces the urgent need for international ecocide laws.
All that remains to be said are two things:
1) Please boycott Shell. Do not fund them in any way – by buying their fuel, the products at their service stations, using their EV chargers, or by using your pension to pump up their profits. The only way to get them to change is to hit them where it hurts and lower the profits that they hold more dearly than a liveable planet
2) Fuck Shell!
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